11 ασθενείς σε σοβαρή κατάστασης από την Ιταλία και 3 από τη Γαλλία μεταφέρθηκαν για θεραπεία σε Αυστριακά νοσοκομεία. Η Γερμανία δέχθηκε σε νοσοκομεία της 175 βαριά ασθενείς από την Ιταλία και Γαλλία. Επίσης ελικόπτερα και αεροπλάνα με Γερμανικό προσωπικό βοηθάνε τις αρχές σε γειτονικές χώρες για μεταφορά ασθενών. Νοσηλευτικό προσωπικό από την πανεπιστημιακή κλινική της Jena βοηθάνε μια κλινική στη Νάπολη Campania. 11 σοβαρά ασθενείς από τη Γαλλία μεταφέρθηκαν στο Λουξεμβούργο για θεραπεία. Ελικόπτερα και ασθενοφόρα του Λουξεμβούργου από την δύναμη πολιτικής προστασίας εντάχθηκαν στην Γαλλική δύναμη French Urgent Medical Aid Service και μετέφεραν ασθενείς από τη Γαλλία σε νοσοκομεία της Δρέσδης και του Αμβούργου στη Γερμανία. Γιατροί και νοσοκόμοι από την Νορβηγία και τη Ρουμανία πήγαν στο Μπέργαμο της Ιταλίας και εργάζονται στο νοσοκομείο Lecco – με χρηματοδότηση από το πρόγραμμα EU Medical Corps και με συντονισμό του EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre. Εκατομμύρια μάσκες, αναπνευστήρες και ιατροφαρμακευτικό υλικό προσφέρονται από ευρωπαϊκές χώρες σε άλλες που έχουν αυξημένες ανάγκες.
European solidarity in treating patients
Austria | 11 intensive care patients from Italy and 3 intensive care patients from France are being taken care of in Austrian hospitals. “Given the great drama of the situation, this is only a small contribution, but it is symbolically important that we support Europe,” a statement released by the Austrian authorities said. Austria sends 181 living containers which can be used as shelters or mobile healthcare facilities at the disposal of Greek authorities for migrant camps in Greece |
Germany | Cities and states across Germany are treating critically ill patients from Italy and France, making their own intensive care capacities available for around 175 Italian and French citizens. For Italy, 85 intensive care beds have been reserved in 10 German federal states with 36 Italian patients already transferred to Germany. For France, 98 intensive care beds have been reserved in 10 federal states with 85 French patients already transferred to Germany. Planes and helicopters operated by the German Airforce picked up intensive care patients from France and Italy for treatment in Germany. Medical staff from the University clinic Jena are supporting a clinic near Naples, Campania. |
Greece | 500 mobile medical units co-financed by the EU will allow to test citizens at their homes. |
Luxembourg | Seven French intensive care patients from Mulhouse, France, were airlifted on 25 March and are being treated in Luxembourg. Another 4 have arrived from Thionville. Ambulance jets and two helicopters of the Luxembourg Air Rescue were integrated into the French Urgent Medical Aid Service. They have flown French intensive care patients to Hamburg and Dresden, Germany. |
Romania | Doctors and nurses from Romania and Norway have been dispatched to Bergamo, deployed through and financed by the EU Medical Corps and coordinated by the EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre. Under RescEU, a team of Romanian medical personnel is working in the Lecco hospital in Italy. |
European solidarity in protecting health workers and citizens
Slovakia | Slovakia is sending masks and disinfectant to Italy. |
Latvia | Latvia provided 478,500 masks and 307,800 respirators to Estonia.It offered 60,000 face masks to Lithuania. |
Austria | Austria transported 1.5 million masks and has delivered over 3,360 litres of medical disinfectant to Italy via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Austria is sending gloves and disinfectant to Croatia via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism |
Czechia | Czechia delivered 10,000 protective suits to Italy and another 10,000 to Spain. |
France | France has donated 1 million masks to Italy and 20,000 protective suits. |
Germany | Germany has delivered 7 tons of medical equipment to Italy, including ventilators and anaesthetic masks. |
Hungary | Hungary has delivered more than 1,520,000 masks to amongst others Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Serbia, North-Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Ukraine.More than 200,000 gloves and other equipment has also been delivered to Croatia, Slovenia, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia and Ukraine |
Luxembourg | Luxembourg delivered 1.440 kg of material to Spain to make individual protection suits for its medical staff; it also facilitated the delivery of 100t of medical equipment from China to Lithuania. |
Poland | The Polish Centre for International Aid is sending a dedicated team of 15 Polish doctors and paramedics, certified by the WHO, to a field hospital in Brescia, Lombardy, one of the most affected areas in Italy. |
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