
Ολοκληρωμένη διαχείριση των φυσικών πόρων μικρών νησιών της Μεσογείου (SMILO – MED)
Στο νησί της Σίφνο: Ενδυνάμωση της προστασίας από την διάβρωση με την διασφάλιση της γεωργικής – βιολογικής ποικιλότητας
Ενσωματώνουμε την παραδοσιακή σοφία στη σύγχρονη επιστημονική γνώση, τη στρατηγική βιωσιμότητας και την κλιματική πολιτική: Για αιώνες η ανθρώπινη παρέμβαση στο χώρο ενσωματώνονταν στο περιβάλλον, αποτελούσε αναπόσπαστο τμήμα του, χρησιμοποιούσε με σοφία τους φυσικούς πόρους διατηρώντας τους μακροχρόνια (δείτε: υπολείμματα μύλων, ξερολιθιές για συγκράτηση του εδάφους και διατήρηση της γονιμότητάς του, εναλλαγή καλλιεργειών – αμειψισπορά για ανανέωση των απαραίτητων θρεπτικών υλικών του εδάφους, αρχιτεκτονική κ.ά).
Οι άνθρωποι γνώριζαν πώς να συνεργάζονται με τη φύση, κρατούσαν ανοιχτούς τους δρόμους για να περνάει το νερό, ακόμα και εκεί που έχτιζαν ξερολιθιές.
Ο Άνεμος Ανανέωσης ξεκινάει με τον Δήμο Σίφνου και το δίκτυο ευρω-μεσογειακών νησιών SMILO πρόγραμμα ευαισθητοποίησης, εκπαίδευσης και αποκατάστασης του ευρύτατου δικτύου ξερολιθιάς (πεζούλες) στη Σίφνο αλλά και διαλόγου για τη βιώσιμη διαχείριση των φυσικών πόρων του νησιού. Η δραστηριότητα αναπτύσσεται παράλληλα με ανάλογες δραστηριότητες σε τρία άλλα μικρά νησιά της Μεσογείου, ώστε να υπάρχει ανταλλαγή εμπειριών και καλών πρακτικών.
Θα αξιοποιήσουμε εμπειρία άλλων νησιών, θα αναζητήσουμε συλλογική γνώση, ανταλλαγές καλών πρακτικών, σύγχρονα εργαλεία για καταγραφή, ανάδειξη και διατήρηση του σημαντικού από πολιτιστική, οικονομική, οικολογική και κλιματική άποψη δημιουργήματος, προϊόν της υπομονετικής κι εκπληκτικής εργασίας χιλιάδων ανθρώπων για αιώνες.
Σήμερα δεν υπάρχουν πλέον οι πολλοί γεωργοί που το δημιούργησαν και το συντηρούσαν, ενώ η γνώση συντήρησης και αποκατάστασής τους, ακόμα και ανάμεσα σε τεχνίτες, χάνεται σταδιακά.
Η σημασία και ο ρόλος των ξερολιθιών είναι ακόμα πιο σημαντικός σήμερα, όχι μόνο ως μνημείο του ανθρώπινου πολιτισμού αλλά και για τη συγκράτηση των νερών της βροχής και τον εμπλουτισμό των υπόγειων αποθεμάτων καθώς και για προστασία απέναντι στη διάβρωση και στα ακραία καιρικά φαινόμενα λόγω κλιματικής αλλαγής.
Πρέπει, όμως, να βρούμε τρόπους να συντηρούνται οι ξερολιθιές και όλο αυτό το θαυμάσιο απόθεμα μέσα από ένταξή του(ς) στη νέα οικονομική πραγματικότητα, με αναγνώριση της σημασία τους για την άμυνα απέναντι στη διάβρωση και τις επιπτώσεις της κλιματικής κρίσης.
Σε άλλες περιοχές κύριο μέσο προστασίας είναι τα δάση, στα νησιά μας οι ξερολιθιές. Αν καταρρεύσει όλο αυτό το δίκτυο θα βρεθούμε εκτεθειμένοι σε μεγάλους κινδύνους, που σήμερα δεν λαμβάνουμε υπόψη αλλά τους βλέπουμε γύρω μας.
Όλο αυτό το θαυμάσιο δίκτυο δεν είναι μόνο πέτρες αλλά και γνώση και μαεστρία, στο πλαίσιο αυτού που σήμερα αποκαλούμε “λύσεις με τη φύση” (nature based solutions) ή πράσινες υποδομές.
Ξεκινάμε, επίσης, την συγκρότηση μιας Επιτροπής Διαβούλευσης για τη Βιώσιμη Διαχείριση των Φυσικών Πόρων της Σίφνου με τη συμμετοχή αφενός εκπροσώπων θεσμικών, επαγγελματικών και κοινωνικών φορέων αλλα και ενδiαφερομένων πολιτών κατοίκων και φίλων της Σίφνου. Οι πρώτες επίσημες συναντήσεις προετοιμασίας της Επιτροπής θα γίνουν το διήμερο 18 και 19 Μαΐου, ενώ η πρώτη επίσημη συνάντησή της θα πραγματοποιηθεί στις 19 Μαΐου, το απόγευμα.
Παρόμοιες επιτροπές με της Σίφνου θα δημιουργηθούν και στα άλλα μικρά νησιά που συμμετέχουν στο πρόγραμμα, δηλαδή Porquerolles (Γαλλία), Pakleni (Κροατία), Lipari (ιταλία)
Το Ίδρυμα Πρίγκιπα Αλβέρτου ΙΙ του Μονακό, υποστηρίζει το έργο «Ολοκληρωμένη Διαχείριση των Φυσικών Πόρων των Μικρών Νήσων της Μεσογείου (SMILO-Med)» που δίνει τη δυνατότητα σε τέσσερα μικρά νησιά του δικτύου SMILO (Lipari – Ιταλία, Porquerolles – Γαλλία, Σίφνος – Ελλάδα, Νήσοι Pakleni – Κροατία), να εφαρμόσει συγκεκριμένες δράσεις ως μέρος της βιώσιμης προσέγγισης του SMILO προκειμένου να καταδειχθεί η ικανότητα των μικρών νησιών της Μεσογείου να παρέχουν υποδειγματικές και επαναλαμβανόμενες λύσεις για τη διατήρηση και βιώσιμη διαχείριση των φυσικών πόρων, προωθώντας παράλληλα τον διάλογο μεταξύ τους. και με άλλα νησιά σε όλο τον κόσμο.
Επικοινωνία: Αν ενδιαφέρεστε επικοινωνήστε με τον Νίκο Χρυσόγελο, τηλ 6936672882, εμαιλ nikos.chrysogelos@gmail.com

Integrated Management of Natural Resources of the Small Islands of the Mediterranean (SMILO-Med)
Island of Sifnos (Greece): Strengthen the interconnection between the fight against erosion (flooding) and the safeguard of agro-biodiversity.
Small islands are both fragile and singular. Located at the forefront of global changes, they have common issues: limited resources, biological resources to protect, pressures related to human activities, etc. Pragmatic and effective responses can be found in response to these issues, making small islands the pioneers a more sustainable development. SMILO aims to support island territories of less than 150 km² that want to structure and unite their actions in favour of a better resource management and biodiversity protection.
Contributing to this approach is a labelling process for the territories that are committed to an environmentally compatible human development. An Islands Fund was set up to support the islands and finance operations that are identified in the islands’ strategic plan, in relation to the program’s sectoral priority themes (water & sanitation, energy, waste, biodiversity and ecosystems, landscapes and heritage).
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, supports the project “Integrated Management of Natural Resources of the Small Islands of the Mediterranean (SMILO-Med)” which enables four small islands of the SMILO network (Lipari – Italy, Porquerolles – France, Sifnos – Greece, Pakleni Islands – Croatia), to implement concrete actions as part of SMILO’s sustainable approach in order to illustrate the capacity of small Mediterranean islands to provide exemplary and replicable solutions for the preservation and sustainable management of natural resources, while promoting dialogue between them, and with other islands around the world.
The island of Sifnos has long been committed to the management of its natural and cultural heritage, as evidenced by its extraordinary natural beauty, these agricultural landscapes, and the Natura 2000 classification of the western area of the island. A number of studies show that cultivated land has suffered a very high loss of area, converted into semi-natural or urbanized vegetation: reduction of agricultural activity, abandonment of many fields, expansion of demand for holiday homes and conversion of rural land into tourist land. Added to this is the gradual loss of traditional knowledge such as the proper restoration of stone walls in the fields. The loss of these local techniques represents a significant risk for the terrace system and increases the risk of soil erosion and flooding. The challenge is to increase the socio-economic viability of agriculture while maintaining the natural values of agricultural land, including the ecosystem services provided to society.
On the island of Sifnos, the network of thousands of kilometers of dry stone wall / terraces, is a cultural monument and a traditional bioclimatic design model for soil protection, used to cope with extreme weather events (e.g. flooding), rainwater harvesting, ecological management and reuse of water resources. This terraced system (and the area of cultivated land) is threatened by the passage of time, weather phenomena and modernization. Climate change is already driving extreme weather events with more intensity and frequency (droughts, heavy rains, longer heat waves, typhoons).
In addition, due to changes in agriculture, many landraces adapted to local conditions (soil, climate, social) have been lost, so that today crops and species that once played a very decisive role in the economy, culture and nutrition have been reduced or disappeared. By relying on its network, the technical partners of Sifnos (Municipality, Natura 2000 manager, Anemos Ananeosis) and in the Mediterranean (Shared Mediterranean Conservatory, SEMIDE, IME) SMILO has the necessary skills to support the preservation of agro-biodiversity.
The project will be inspired by work related to the preservation of landscapes, supported by SMILO on the island of Saint-Honorat (France), Lastovo (Croatia), Paros (Greece).
Strategic objectives
Porquerolles (with Toulon-Provence Metropolis)
Α feasibility study and green waste management plan for the island of Porquerolles. The study will calculate the volumes of green waste produced on the island, and will provide an overview of the current management of the waste and infrastructure present. Based on these results, a management plan will scale the infrastructure to be put in place, and define their management by the island’s stakeholders. Here are the pre-identified infrastructures:
The island of Porquerolles will continue its commitment to the SMILO labeling process. The Island Committee will meet at least once a year to review the implementation of the island’s strategic plan, as well as this specific project. The project will contribute to the implementation of the waste management activities included in the Porquerolles Strategic Plan, and will allow the island to apply for the SMILO “Waste” sector prize.
Sifnos (Assoc. Wind of Renewal)
On the island of Sifnos a better articulation and the integration of virtuous initiatives of different partners for the sustainable development of the territory, will be the guidelines of the work. The project will support the emergence of a shared strategic approach to the island’s ecological transition, based on concrete actions based on the following activities:
– The establishment of an island committee as a forum for dialogue between the island’s stakeholders. This forum will form the basis of the implementation of the SMILO labelling approach and will also serve to continue the reflections on the island on the climate adaptation strategy for the island as well as for sustainable tourism, including a debate on the search for a model of collaboration and not competition between the economic sectors of agriculture and tourism (e.g. reflection on appropriate financial mechanisms for internalising the costs of maintenance of the system terraces)
– Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the site for the preservation and enhancement of the terrace system not only as a cultural heritage, but also as a modern and unique tool for the protection of soils from erosion and a nature-based solution for adaptation to climate change and flood management. Restoration actions on a demonstration site, which will be carried out through a series of training of requalification and conversion of local actors (young and former farmers, immigrant workers and migrants, the general public). These trainings will be based on a study of the different techniques developed on the island and the neighbouring islands. This activity will be coupled with research carried out in collaboration between farmers, civil society and academics on local seeds that are still being cultivated, in order to enhance them locally, and to support both the improvement of socio-economic viability and the environmental efficiency of agricultural practices.
– Α series of public awareness actions will be put in place.
Pakleni (Public Enterprise Sea and Karst)
SMILO, based on the actions of PE Sea and Karst, will accompany an integrated management approach to the land-sea areas of the Pakleni Islands, with the aim of supporting the creation of an MPA Marine Protected Area (ongoing process already started). The shared efforts of local stakeholders to move in this direction were marked by the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding in 2020, as part of the Impreco “Interreg Adrion” project. SMILO will support and facilitate this dynamic and encourage it through integration into its labeling process. Thus, the Island Committee of the Islands of Pakleni will be formed around the signatories of this Protocol.
Awareness of the sustainable management of land and marine natural resources, including underwater resources, will be carried out with all project partners on the Pakleni Islands and Hvar.
Lipari (Assoc. NESOS)
In Lipari, the project aims to contribute to the preservation of the lizard from the wind walls in order to initiate a shared management approach to the natural resources of the island and wind islands, through:
1) sampling of small stocks of lizards from existing populations on the islets of Strombolicchio, Scoglio Faraglione, and La Canna, and nursery on Lipari Island. A total of 3 samples are planned over the duration of the project.
2) Introducing juveniles, born during the captive breeding program (expected between 190 and 300 individuals), on the appropriate islets (the islets of the Pietra Quaglietto, Pietra del Bagno and Pietra Lunga wind archipelago). These introduced new populations will not affect local biodiversity or lead to significant changes in the ecological balance of the islets. Tracking new lizard populations on these islets.
3) The outdoor space at Lipari Nursery, with the terrariums, will be a space for environmental education and sustainable development of small islands, open for guided tours (local schools, locals and visitors). The centre’s staff will provide information to the public to facilitate and restore the links between humans and nature. This space also aims to acquire the knowledge, values, but also the behaviors necessary to participate responsibly and effectively in the preservation of the environment (adopting good gestures).
A local communication campaign will disseminate the results of the project in local media. This work will also lead to publications in scientific journals.
Local actors will be involved throughout the project. They will be integrated into the SMILO network and will be introduced to the SMILO labeling process on the island of Lipari.
Awareness of the sustainable management of land and marine natural resources, including underwater resources, will be carried out with all project partners on the Pakleni Islands and Hvar.
In order to promote good practices resulting from the project and the partner islands, SMILO will ensure comprehensive communication throughout the implementation of the project: creation of a dedicated project page on the SMILO website; regular posts on SMILO social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn); articles in the SMILO Newsletter,
A series of podcasts in the language of each island (French, Italian, Greek, Croatian) will be produced and broadcast locally in order to highlight the projects implemented on each island.
Each year, SMILO organizes the annual Meeting of Small Sustainable Islands, which brings together all the member islands of its network and its institutional and financial partners. The islands of the project will participate in the Meeting of the Islands in 2023 to share their experiences with other small islands.
Celebrate Islands is an annual event organized since 2014 by SMILO, the French Coastal Agency and the Mediterranean Small Islands Initiative, around World Biodiversity Day on 22 May. The actors of the protection of island spaces organize initiatives aimed at all public, with the aim of raising awareness of the preservation of small islands. The four islands of the project will be invited to participate in the annual Editions of Celebrate Islands.
Finally, a closing workshop of the project bringing together the partners of the four islands will be organized in 2024 at an international event of the SMILO network (to be defined).
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